Do you find yourself wondering, “Do cats have periods?” It is natural to have this question, mainly if you are unfamiliar with that specific aspect of cat biology and are the first-time owner of a female cat.
Fortunately, our purpose is to provide comprehensive information regarding the feline analogy of menstruation, including an analysis of the occurrences in female cats during puberty, guidance on how to handle estrus, and suggestions for making the experience more comfortable for both the felines and oneself.
Learn everything there is to know about your feline companion’s monthly cycle, how to recognize when it is in heat, the cause of hemorrhaging, and the appropriate course of action.
Do Female Cats Go Through Periods?
Although felines do not undergo menstruation every month like female humans, they undergo a comparable process known as puberty. The average frequency of menstruation in humans is once every 28 days. During this time, women experience a shedding of the uterine lining for two to seven days.
Felines in felines reabsorb the uterine lining rather than expelling it through bleeding, resulting in infrequent hemorrhage. Rather than menstruation, this is referred to as “estrus” or “being in heat.”
Cats engage in polyestrous reproduction, meaning they experience estrus multiple times per year for an average of seven days (though this can differ from two to 19 days) every two to three weeks.
The first occurrence of heat in a female neonate occurs from four to six months of age. This cycle will continue until the animal is either spayed (which involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus to prevent conception) or becomes pregnant.
Do Cats Bleed When In Heat?
Although uncommon, cats in heat are capable of shedding blood. A trace of blood might be discovered on their bed or where they have been lying. Observe the remainder of your cat’s behavior and consult your veterinarian immediately if it begins to bleed to rule out any other underlying medical conditions.
Signs your Cat Is In Heat
In contrast to humans, cats rarely experience minor bleeding spots during their period; hemorrhaging is uncommon. However, you can still determine when their cycle has begun by observing a change in their behavior.
Possible indications that your cat is in heat include:
You are increasing one’s vocal output. Your cat may be in heat if it produces unusual vocalizations, such as wailing or yelping, which are their attempts to communicate mating calls in preparation for reproduction.
They were floating about. Moggies may become more restless and begin to move around during estrus due to the hormones in their bodies. Observe as they potentially experience increased self-grooming and appetite loss as their genitalia expand. They might attempt to escape by crawling low to the earth in pursuit of a mate.
They were desiring greater attention. During heat, your kitten may exhibit more affectionate behavior, such as rubbing against you and the furniture, raising their behind with their tail to the side, and endeavoring to disperse their fragrance in anticipation of mating.
They were using urine spray. Your cat may begin to mark their territory with urine sprays and disseminate their scent as their body prepares to mate.
What To Do When Your Cat Is In Heat?
You can implement numerous strategies to assist in calming a cat during their period of heat and ensuring they make the most of the situation:
1. Stop Them From Mating
If your cat is not spayed, you almost certainly do not want her to become pregnant, preventing them from approaching male cats with whom they could procreate. It can be challenging, as the local tom cats will undoubtedly be intrigued by a female cat in heat; therefore, you may need to confine your cat indoors during this time (or at least closely monitor her when she is outside).
2. Keep Them Warm
Similar to how women feel during their period, a cat whose hormones are off can be comforted and soothed with a heat pack, heated towel, or electric blanket. Our guide to the most comfortable and cozy heated pet beds can assist you in locating one for your cat.
3. Give Them Catnip
Although catnip is most commonly associated with inducing feline hysteria, it can also have a significant calming effect on many cats, particularly those not feeling well. Attempt to alleviate your cat’s distress by offering it one of the finest catnip toys; conversely, you could prepare a calming catnip beverage.
4. Use Cat Pheromones
Pheromones (chemicals produced by cats during mating) can assist in preventing tension and anxiety in your cat. Although Feliway, available in diffuser and aerosol forms, is the most popular alternative, a calming cat collar may also be attractive.
5. Make Sure Their Litter Box Is Clean
It would be best to keep the litter box as spotless as possible, but this becomes especially crucial when the cat is in estrus. This approach will incentivize establishing territory in that location, preventing your cat from urinating on your furnishings or carpets.
6. Entertain Them
Your cat may feel disoriented, agitated, and irritable while in heat, but you can still attempt to cheer her up with a fun game. Therefore, maintain her interest by engaging in play or providing her with abundant novel objects to explore.
Why Is My Cat Bleeding?
Before treating your cat’s hemorrhaging, it is critical to determine the source of the bleeding. Although your cat may develop spots in heat, you should still consult your veterinarian to be sure of the cause.
The presence of blood in the urine, stool, or vicinity of the genitalia may indicate a urinary tract infection; bleeding from the anus may indicate a more severe disease or potentially malignant tissue.
Any other area of their body, such as a non-clotting laceration or a nosebleed, may require an examination; therefore, consult your veterinarian for confirmation.
While certain mammals may experience hemorrhaging during mating, cats do not. Conversely, they demonstrate alterations in behavior, increase in vocalization, and exhibit intensified affection. Although the symptoms above are typical during the heat cycle, sterilizing female cats is advisable for undesirable behaviors and potential health complications.
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